CONFIRMED – rare intergalactic transient AT 2016jkr

R.A. / Dec. – Constellation
07 51 12.264 +10 22 14.52 – CMi
Plate 2016-01-14 @ 05:19:22
Plate 2016-01-11 @ 05:11:53

Suspected nature of object
Transient (Asteroid or nova event)

Blue hit on the Legacy survey. Shows up on 4 images on 11 and 14 january 2016 and resulting in no hit on the MPC database, no hit in SDSS, no hit in supernova database..

Discovery date, plate or visually
06 december 2021, plate


This happens to be a rare intergalactic transient, and was classified as AT 2016jkr.

Just kidding, right? Nope! So excited to have been the first to find this!



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