(30) Urania
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Posted in Asteroids

(30) Urania

2024 MK
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Posted in Asteroids

2024 MK

A potentially hazardous asteroid, discovered on june 16 by ATLAS, making a narrow passage with Earth (between the Earth-Moon distance….

(303) Josephina
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Posted in Asteroids

(303) Josephina

Overview of a close passage to M74: Inset: Detail, stacked on the asteroid:

NEO 1998 OR2
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Posted in Asteroids

NEO 1998 OR2

Earthgrazer 1998 OR2 made a close approach.  16/04/2020:     

(1) Ceres
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Posted in Asteroids Dwarf planets

(1) Ceres

Although located on the main asteroid belt, former asteroid (1) Ceres is currently defined as a minor planet.