SN2024jlf in NGC 5690
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Posted in Novae

SN2024jlf in NGC 5690

2024jlf (= ZTF24aaozxhx) (= ATLAS24hul) (= PS24ddd) (= Gaia24bks), TNS discovered 2024/05/28.249 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Found in NGC 5690 at R.A. = 14h37m42s.315, Decl. =…

sn2024ggi in NGC 3621 (Hya)
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Posted in Novae

sn2024ggi in NGC 3621 (Hya)

2024ggi (= ATLAS24fsk) (= GOTO24aig) (= BGEM J111822.10-325015.1) (=PS24brj), TNS discovered 2024/04/11.141 by ATLAS Found in NGC 3621 at R.A. = 11h18m22s.087, Decl. = -32°50’15”.26 (…

sn2024inv in NGC 3524 (Leo)
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Posted in Novae

sn2024inv in NGC 3524 (Leo)

2024inv (= ZTF24aamtvxb) (= ATLAS24hcs) (= GOTO24csk), TNS discovered 2024/05/10.276 by ALeRCE Found in NGC 3524 at R.A. = 11h06m32s.162, Decl. = +11°22’42”.57 ( )…

SN2023ixf in M101
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Posted in Galaxies Novae

SN2023ixf in M101

This SN was discovered by Koichi Itagaki (Japan) on 19/05/2023. This is a Type II Supernova, brightening fast over the…

SN 2022hrs in NGC 4647
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Posted in Novae

SN 2022hrs in NGC 4647

This Supernova was discovered on 2022-04-16 19:15:28 by Koichi Itagaki. It was mag 15 in the discovery image. I am estimating…

Nova V1405 CAS
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Posted in Novae

Nova V1405 CAS

This nova was discovered by Yuji Nakamura (Kameyama, Mie, Japan) as possible nova PNV J23244760+6111140, on March 18.4236. Months later,…

Nova in Hercules – 13/06/2021
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Posted in Novae

Nova in Hercules – 13/06/2021

Designation: TCP J18573095+1653396 = ZTF19aasfsjq  (N:) Discovered on 2021 June 12.537 UT at mag. 8.4 by Seiji Ueda (Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan)…

SN 2020FTL in NGC 4277
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Posted in Galaxies Novae

SN 2020FTL in NGC 4277

11/04/2020 – C11 Edge – Asi 071 mc pro

SN 2019EIN in NGC 5353
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Posted in Novae

SN 2019EIN in NGC 5353

Only managed to squeeze out 30x30s frames because of the low altitude. The honeycomb structure on the picture is frost…

SN 2017eaw in NGC 6946
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Posted in Novae

SN 2017eaw in NGC 6946