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Welcome to my web page! This page gives an overview of my activities as an amateur astronomer, in the light…

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)
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Posted in Comets

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)


NGC 300 – Sculptor Pinwheel Galaxy
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Posted in Galaxies

NGC 300 – Sculptor Pinwheel Galaxy

Messier 25
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Posted in Messier Objects Open Clusters

Messier 25

(30) Urania
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Posted in Asteroids

(30) Urania

NGC 4833
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 4833

2024 MK
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Posted in Asteroids

2024 MK

A potentially hazardous asteroid, discovered on june 16 by ATLAS, making a narrow passage with Earth (between the Earth-Moon distance….

SN2024jlf in NGC 5690
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Posted in Novae

SN2024jlf in NGC 5690

2024jlf (= ZTF24aaozxhx) (= ATLAS24hul) (= PS24ddd) (= Gaia24bks), TNS discovered 2024/05/28.249 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Found in NGC 5690 at R.A. = 14h37m42s.315, Decl. =…

NGC 3114
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Posted in Open Clusters

NGC 3114

IC 5148 – Spare Tyre Nebula
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Posted in Planetary Nebulae

IC 5148 – Spare Tyre Nebula

Proxima Centauri
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Posted in Deepsky Open Clusters

Proxima Centauri

Our Galactic neighbour, the closest star to the sun, only 4-ish lightyear away. It is in fact a double star,…

sn2024ggi in NGC 3621 (Hya)
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Posted in Novae

sn2024ggi in NGC 3621 (Hya)

2024ggi (= ATLAS24fsk) (= GOTO24aig) (= BGEM J111822.10-325015.1) (=PS24brj), TNS discovered 2024/04/11.141 by ATLAS Found in NGC 3621 at R.A. = 11h18m22s.087, Decl. = -32°50’15”.26 (…