Messier 15
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Posted in Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 15

Messier 15, or M15, stands as a captivating globular cluster within the constellation Pegasus. This spherical assembly of stars, tightly…

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula complex (11 pane mosaic)
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Posted in Dark Nebulae Deepsky Globular Clusters Nebulae

Rho Ophiuchi Nebula complex (11 pane mosaic)

The Rho Ophiuchi Nebula Complex, nestled within the constellation Ophiuchus, is a stunning region of space that showcases the intricate…

Messier 4 – NGC 6144
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Posted in Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 4 – NGC 6144

Messier 4 and NGC 6144 are two captivating globular clusters that grace the cosmos with their unique charm. These clusters,…

NGC 6726 – Anteater Nebula
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Posted in Globular Clusters Nebulae

NGC 6726 – Anteater Nebula

Let’s delve into the Anteater Nebula, NGC 6726, and its neighboring globular cluster NGC 6723. Residing within the constellation Corona…

NGC 5139 – Omega Centauri
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 5139 – Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri, a dazzling jewel in the southern skies. This celestial wonder, officially designated NGC 5139, beckons us to explore…

NGC 5139 – Omega Centauri
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 5139 – Omega Centauri

NGC 5466
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 5466

NGC 5466 is a fairly faint but large Globular cluster in the constellation Bootes.  

NGC 5053
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NGC 5053

This large but quite faint globular cluster lies close to M53, which is brighter and way more dense. Nevertheless, an…

Messier 53
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Posted in Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 53

This globular cluster in Coma Berenices lies about 59,000 Lightyears away. It is compact, rich, and mottled.

Messier 92
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Posted in Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 92

First clear period in months, so I finally got around to making some pictures. This stunning globular cluster is Messier…

M2 2021
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Posted in Globular Clusters

M2 2021

M15 (september 2021)
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Posted in Globular Clusters

M15 (september 2021)