Categorie: Deepsky
Proxima Centauri
Our Galactic neighbour, the closest star to the sun, only 4-ish lightyear away. It is in fact a double star,…
Sagittarius A
This is the center of our Galaxy. It houses a supermassive black hole. Ofcourse, that is not visible in the…
Messier 20 – Trifid Nebula
A crop from the massive mozaic, only showing the Trifid nebula and its detail.
Posted in Open Clusters
NGC 3293 – Gem Cluster
This cluster is located next to the Carina Nebula, the nebulosity in it could be attributed as a part of…
Posted in Dark Nebulae
Sandqvist (SDN) 169-171-172 complex
There are 2 planetary nebulae in the field of view: