Posted in Nebulae
IC 2948 – Running Chicken Nebula
IC 2948, also known as the Running Chicken Nebula, is a stunning emission nebula located in the southern skies within…
Posted in Observing
Observing Session 20220525
NGC 2217 GX Egaal, naast een zwak boogje van sterren, 2 sterretjes aan de W-zijde Geconcentreerde kern zonder detail. Ovale,…
Posted in Nebulae
DWB 111 – The propellor Nebula
When the moon is up, narrowband imaging is the way to go. Only 21 x 300s of HA-OIII images were…
Posted in Novae
SN 2022hrs in NGC 4647
This Supernova was discovered on 2022-04-16 19:15:28 by Koichi Itagaki. It was mag 15 in the discovery image. I am estimating…
Posted in Nebulae
LDN 1235 : A Dark Shark.
Dark molecular clouds are pretty challenging. They need lots of integration time and optimising that image time can best be…