Messier 100
This large and bright spiral galaxy is Messier 100. It is accompagnied by lots and lots of small background galaxies…
Posted in Planetary Nebulae
Abell 21 – SH2-274 – The Medusa Nebula
Supernova Remnant in the constellation Gemini.
Posted in Globular Clusters
NGC 5466
NGC 5466 is a fairly faint but large Globular cluster in the constellation Bootes.
Posted in Globular Clusters
NGC 5053
This large but quite faint globular cluster lies close to M53, which is brighter and way more dense. Nevertheless, an…
Messier 53
This globular cluster in Coma Berenices lies about 59,000 Lightyears away. It is compact, rich, and mottled.
Messier 101
The Windmill Galaxy, M101, takes its nickname to its appearance. The face on galaxy has bright spiral arms, appearing windmill-…