Messier 30
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Posted in Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 30

sn2024inv in NGC 3524 (Leo)
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Posted in Novae

sn2024inv in NGC 3524 (Leo)

2024inv (= ZTF24aamtvxb) (= ATLAS24hcs) (= GOTO24csk), TNS discovered 2024/05/10.276 by ALeRCE Found in NGC 3524 at R.A. = 11h06m32s.162, Decl. = +11°22’42”.57 ( )…

NGC 6397
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 6397

Messier 11
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Posted in Dark Nebulae Globular Clusters Messier Objects

Messier 11

NGC 3201
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 3201

Sagittarius A
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Posted in Deepsky Wide Field

Sagittarius A

This is the center of our Galaxy. It houses a supermassive black hole. Ofcourse, that is not visible in the…

Messier 20 – Trifid Nebula
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Posted in Messier Objects Nebulae

Messier 20 – Trifid Nebula

A crop from the massive mozaic, only showing the Trifid nebula and its detail.

Messier 8 + Messier 20 (Lagoon + Trifid Nebula)
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Posted in Astrophotography Dark Nebulae Deepsky Messier Objects Nebulae

Messier 8 + Messier 20 (Lagoon + Trifid Nebula)

NGC 3293 – Gem Cluster
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Posted in Open Clusters

NGC 3293 – Gem Cluster

This cluster is located next to the Carina Nebula, the nebulosity in it could be attributed as a part of…

Carina Nebula
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Posted in Nebulae

Carina Nebula

NGC 6397
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Posted in Globular Clusters

NGC 6397

12P/Pons Brooks
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Posted in Comets

12P/Pons Brooks

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, a captivating interplanetary traveler, embarks on a mesmerizing journey through the solar system. This icy wanderer follows an…