NGC 4631 and NGC 4656 Whale and Hockey Stick galaxies
100′ on 127ED, DSLR. Detail of the Whale: Detail of the Hockey Stick:
NGC 7293 Helix Nebula
127ED and DSLR, shot in august 2018 from Alcoba, Spain.
Draconid Fireball 09/10/2018
Image sequence of the all-sky camera that moment, showing the fireball, and its trail. Original color data: Removing the stars…
Discovery Discovered by pan-STARRS Discovery date 23 sept 2017 Imaged this comet on july18, 2018. Unfortunately I never got a…
46P/Wirtanen (P/1948 A1)
Wikipedia: Discovery Discovered by Carl A. Wirtanen Discovery date January 17, 1948 Alternativedesignations 1961 IV; 1960m;1967 XIV; 1967k;1974 XI; 1974i;1986…
64P/Swift–Gehrels (P/1889 W1)
Wikipedia: Discovery Discovered by Lewis A. SwiftTom Gehrels Discovery date 17 November 18898 February 1973 Alternativedesignations Swift 1 Orbital characteristics A…
21P/Giacobini-Zinner (P/1900 Y1)
Wikipedia: Discovery Discovered by Michel Giacobini, Ernst Zinner Discovery date December 20, 1900 Alternativedesignations 1900 III; P/1900 Y1; 1913 V;P/1913…