Posted in Novae
SN2024jlf in NGC 5690
2024jlf (= ZTF24aaozxhx) (= ATLAS24hul) (= PS24ddd) (= Gaia24bks), TNS discovered 2024/05/28.249 by Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) Found in NGC 5690 at R.A. = 14h37m42s.315, Decl. =…
Proxima Centauri
Our Galactic neighbour, the closest star to the sun, only 4-ish lightyear away. It is in fact a double star,…
Posted in Novae
sn2024ggi in NGC 3621 (Hya)
2024ggi (= ATLAS24fsk) (= GOTO24aig) (= BGEM J111822.10-325015.1) (=PS24brj), TNS discovered 2024/04/11.141 by ATLAS Found in NGC 3621 at R.A. = 11h18m22s.087, Decl. = -32°50’15”.26 (…